Until now Meta’ Threads was just a new interface very much like Musk’s Twitter. As Musk plans to upgrade Twitter to bring a go-to platform for everything, Zuckerberg’s Threads will probably take our old Twitter’s place.
Very similar to Twitter until now Threads still seemed to lack features that made Twitter popular. But now it seems they are adding up features one after the other and the company’s statement reads it is primarily to satisfy a user’s demand.
What did get updated currently on Threads are a few features present on many other social media platform but wasn’t available on Threads.
Zuckerberg says to one of the followers’ comments requesting for the following tab that if they ask, they shall receive it.
With Threads updated, you have two new features-
- Feature 1: Following: You have the following option now with Threads: In the following option, you will have the ability to follow others.
- Feature 2: Translation: You will also have the translations option: With the translation option as present on Instagram, you can always translate the posts into your language. By doing so, you can read what the world has to say, and that too from your language comfort point. In this way, you don’t limit yourself to your language, your country and only to yourself, you broaden your horizons.
Earlier to this, Threads only had a ‘For You’ option using which one could check the feeds that are meant for them.
What new with Threads updated?
You can have a private account or a public account and the choice remains with you. But now, for all the private accounts, there is an option to batch approve all of the following requests you get on Threads. It saves you the problem of approving each one by one, given you know them all or you want to have them all on your account.
Similarly, they also have another feature on board and that is your ability to view liked posts from your settings. It means if you like a post, many times we can’t go back to it even if we want to revisit it for some other reason. Thus, you might miss certain information and to enable such a process to happen now they have allowed this process.
There are also new categories added to your account activity feed. With this feature’s help, you can sort your posts as per follows, quotes, and reposts. To enable following certain accounts, you can quickly follow them if you want or like.
Author Profile
- Joe Lombardi is a dynamic author known for his out-of-the-box thinking and creative prowess. With a track record of successfully initiating and delivering projects, he thrives in minimal supervision environments. Joe's ability to strategize, write, edit, and proofread is unmatched
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