Meta has created a social virtual reality platform called Meta’s Horizon Worlds that is to launch anytime now. But Metaverse’s VP Vishal Shah has not confirmed a release date for it in his statement. The working version of the app was created almost a year ago and the application was built in its entirety by the team confirmed Shah. According to Shah, they did not ship it as a VR game on a mobile device seemed too much compared to a mobile native experience of sorts.
He, however, mentioned that the first game they planned to beta test was the first-person shooter game, Super Rumble. They also plan to build a cross-platform play and according to the VP of Metaverse, mobile users can easily play alongside their VR users.
Shah described that they were kind of transitioning from a VR-only world to a VR-first world.
The v120 update for the Horizon World was released recently and it was all about quests and rewards. They have also introduced a new fast-acting menu and you can try pausing and so much more.
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All this comes one month after the new text-based world chat feature. With its help, people using the social VR platform can chat with each other within the same world session. Apart from doing voice chats, people can text with the help of this feature.
More about Meta’s Horizon Worlds
Users can mention the @mention tag for people joining the world tag within the same world.
But with all that is ongoing, users can connect with the mobile native experience better. Horizon World has still not been a huge hit for Meta. According to CNBC reports, Meta right now has less than 200,000 users.
To get to the Meta’s Horizon Worlds, you will need a Quest VR headset. If you see Meta’s Threads, it is on the other hand a free app. There is a huge difference between the two platform scales.
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What would Meta achieve by bringing in an app for the Horizon World even if it is not a hit right now? A mobile version, according to them will be able to compete better with Fortnite and Roblox. They will allow gamers to create better social gaming experiences. Interestingly while Meta is looking for the mobile version, Roblox in return is looking for VR experiences. Roblox is launching an open beta through Quest headsets on Thursday. Will Horizon World succeed in its attempt and will it gain popularity with its various strategies? We are yet to see.
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