Google pulls its AI Test Kitchen app from Play Store and App Store

With the advent and spread of AI ravaging and reigning the enthusiastic minds, there is nothing that seems impossible. Several apps are planning to incorporate AI while some have already incorporated it. Google needs no introduction to what it can do with AI. There are several new apps with Google and different features introduced with its AI modulation.

Ai Test Kitchen App

But there was one app that came in 2022 and went out in 2023 and the reason remains unclear as to why it was put off. It was released with I/O 2022 and the same was revoked with I/O of 2023.

The app was brought forth for experimenting with the second generation LaMDA (Large Model Dialogue Applications) and LLM (large language model).

The AI Test Kitchen app had offered three kinds of features:

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Imagine It

Using the user-created nicknames, LaMDA will be able to create an imaginary place for you.

List It

Users can create a to-do list to manage tasks.

Talk About It

Users can engage in a conversation with AI and the topic would be about dogs.

It has come to an abrupt end and people do not know why they stopped it.

They also confirmed that there will be another app that they were replacing it with. The app is known as the Music LM app. In this current I/O, it was discussed that the MusicLM app can be experienced even through the website. It was how they diverted the topic from the Test Kitchen app.

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Why have they not shared the reason for discontinuing the app is worrisome for some people. It came out as quite a surprise since Google had also announced a Season 2 with the AI Test Kitchen app. They also said they were planning to bring in new experiments with the app.  

Right now, they have altered the Test Kitchen app and retained only the text-to-music language model experiment. This very model is what we discussed in the previous paragraphs. It goes by the name of the MusicLM model.

They further also reported that Google would focus now alone on the web experience as managing a single platform is more convenient for them right now.

Even though the decision made by Google aligns with their previous tendencies to discontinue apps and to experiment with different models differently is a trait. You will need to wait to see if they will bring back the test kitchen model.

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