Google Unveils ‘Genesis’: The Revolutionary AI Writer’s Assistant for Latest News


  • Genesis is the new Google AI tool in the news for being the writer’s assistant.
  • It is supposed to help journalists by writing an article if presented with the data.
  • Google has already shown the tool’s use to The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the News Corp.
  • This would be the first time any company would be venturing into news writing with a full-fledged AI tool.

AI is taking over the world, many say as AI tools become more faithful partners in trade than fellow humans prove to be. Genesis is the new budding tool in line after Bard and Chat GPT. What many don’t know is that this AI tool would be capable of writing a complete article if pitched with the right information. It can retrieve most of the information by itself, some say. The tool is in its fledgling stages, many have claimed.

When Genesis writes for journalists

According to people who have viewed the tool, it concerns them immensely as much as it relieves some. While Google explains journalists would now on be capable of taking up more important jobs leaving the writing part to Genesis. While some others beg to differ stating the tool seems to be limiting and reducing the effort that goes into arranging factual data linearly and in a consolidated and articulated manner. People are wondering if the era of artistic news stories is going to obliviate as the AI tool takes over the world.

Publishers and content creators worldwide are criticizing Google and other AI companies for using their articles and posts written by them in the past decades to train these major AI bots. This step is criticized equivocally as no one got compensated by these AI organizations in the process. Also, the data used by the AI companies are without authorization or permission from these organizations as stated by NBC News & The Times.

The government has asked Google to provide higher advertising revenue to the news outlets. Given this incident, Google seems to have begun working on Genesis.

How will it work?

Not much is known to date but from what is going around from those who have seen it, it seems to be a mere aid to a journalist’s task. In the process, many news organizations like The Times, NPR, and Insider have already alerted employees about their intention to use AI tools to find out if it fits the realm of news. They wish to examine if the tool can remain efficient in an environment where every second matters and accuracy is treated as next to God.

Author Profile

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar is an accomplished writer known for crafting immersive and compelling stories that capture the imagination.

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