If you want to take out loans, you must know more about which companies you can borrow from. Those that offer loans are many, but the interest rates and other problems might come up with many of these loan givers. In this article, we will talk more about the Legend Rupee loan app.
What is Legend Rupee loan app?
The Legend Rupee Loan app is one of the best available when it comes to taking short term loans. If you suddenly need a loan, you can find a good partner with the Legend Rupee loan app.
You must have a stable job if you want to take a loan from them.
Features of the Legend Rupee loan app include:
- Anyone can go for a loan that is between Rs. 2000 and Rs. 300,000.
- The loans have no processing fee.
- The loan term will be 95 to 730 days.
- If you want to go for the loan, you must know that their APR is 18.25% p.a.
To get any loan from them, you must be 18 years old and possess an Aadhar card, PAN card, selfie, mobile number, personal details, email ID, and bank account.
Legend Rupee loan app, real or fake?
The Legend Rupee app is not a fake one; the app is already integrated into the Google Play Store app. The app has already been downloaded 500K times, and as it is already registered with the RBI (Reserve Bank of India), it is not a fake.
Does Legend Rupee loan app RBI Approved?
Yes, it is approved by the RBI and is completely aligned towards fulfilling the requirements of those in real need.
Customer Care Number/Contact Details
Customer care can be contacted at [email protected]. You can also contact customer care at 53-54, First Floor, Commercial Market, Near Patel Nagar Metro Station, South Patel Nagar, and New Delhi 110008.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Legend Rupee app: The best part of the Legend Rupee app is that it is approved by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). You don’t have to worry about the legitimacy of the app, and you must find out which loan suits you best before you take it from them.
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