Sassa child grant online application Eligibility, Requirements

What is child support grant online application?

SASSA child support grant from the government (as SASSA child grant online application) is an effort from their end to share the upbringing of children with those raising them. Bringing up a child always means bearing unpredictable costs. Therefore, the SASSA program provides aid for every child who is not fortunate enough to have all essentials.

The caregiver and the child must be South African citizens for availing of the SASSA child support funds. You can apply for this social relief distress grant online or visit the SASSA offices.

How to apply for Sassa child grant online application?

SASSA child grant online application

Applying for the SASSA child grant application online is possible. But to do it, you will have to create an account with them.

  • Create an account with SASSA and register on the site.
  • Select the ID type citizenship from the dropdown, and then add the ID number.
  • Add your full name, email, mobile number and password.
  • Next, save the registration form and visit, then apply for the grant segment.
  • Fill in all the essential information about the child and the caregiver in their appropriate segments.

What are the Child Grant applications Requirements?

To fill the child support grant application, you would require the below essential documents.

  • The bar-coded South African ID.
  • Birth certificate of children
  • Salary slips of the parent/guardian for three months.
  • Being unemployed means submitting the unemployment insurance fund card called the blue book synonymously.
  • If the caregiver is not the parent or guardian, they must carry a written note about it. You also need to submit the information about how you have tried asking the parents to pay for the maintenance.
  • The information shows you are the child’s primary caregiver.

How to check Child Support Grant Application Status Online?

From the given page,

  • Visit the track my application page after logging in.
  • Once done, fill in your South African ID number and phone number.
  • Submit the information to generate the child support grant.

How to check Sassa child grant balance check online

To check the balance, you can visit the SASSA SRD grant website.

  • From the grant application status, you can check if it is approved.
  • If the grant is approved, it will show up in your bank account.
  • To check the grant amount one needs to enter the government ID and mobile number information.

How much money is a child grant?

The amount granted to a child as part of the child grant is R460 this year

Is Sassa child grant extended until December?

Payments for the SASSA grant will happen on December 4th again.

When does Sassa child grant end?

The grant is run every year, and there is no end date announced for it.

When will Sassa child grant be paid in October?

Child grants were paid on 7th October 2021.


Here’s all about the SASSA grants for child support. If you plan to register yourself with the website, you can do so on the SASSA website. You can check your balance, upload documents, access different online forms, and update personal information from here.

Author Profile

Joe Lombardi
Joe Lombardi
Joe Lombardi is a dynamic author known for his out-of-the-box thinking and creative prowess. With a track record of successfully initiating and delivering projects, he thrives in minimal supervision environments. Joe's ability to strategize, write, edit, and proofread is unmatched

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