Arkansas scholarship lottery (Complete Guide)

What is Arkansas lottery scholarship?

The Arkansas lottery scholarship is nothing but the other name of Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship. If someone living in Arkansas is considering a higher qualification, they can consider applying for the scholarship program too.

The Scholarship Lottery funds the Academic Challenge Scholarship. The scholarship is offered to students incrementally in the ensuing years. For a four-year degree course, a student in the first year will receive $2000 and in the fourth year, will receive $5000.

How to apply for Arkansas scholarship lottery?

Arkansas lottery scholarship

To apply for the scholarship lottery, here is what you have to do.

  1. Visit the FAFSA site and complete the free application of Federal Student Aid.
  2. To login to the site, you must complete an FSA ID. Fill out a FAFSA form and sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN).
  3. Items you need to keep handy to complete the FAFSA application form- social security number, email ID and phone number.
  4. Next you must complete the YOUniversal application.
  5. Register and log in to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE).
  6. Create an account with the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
  7. Add your SSN (social security number), and then add your birth date, first and last name.
  8. Complete the application by following the prompts that come up on the site.


The lottery scholarship requirements include the following;

  1. To be eligible for the lottery and the scholarship, one must be an Arkansas resident or at least a legal permanent resident of the United States.
  2. You must have taken admission to an approved institution.
  3. One must complete the free FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application.
  4. The applicant must not have a criminal background and should not owe a loan to the Federal government. The student must not be enrolled in a federal grant.
  5. The student must be certified to be drug-free.

Also Check:- How to apply for University of Arkansas Scholarship?

Who is eligible for Arkansas?

To be eligible for the Arkansas lottery scholarship one must enroll in a full-time course at Arkansas University.

  1. One needs to maintain a 2.5 GPA and must have completed 27 GPA hours in the first academic year and 30 semester hours in the second academic year.
  2. The applicant must be enrolled in a program that takes you towards attaining a baccalaureate degree.
  3. The graduate school must be located in Arkansas.

How to check Arkansas lottery scholarship status?

Use these below points to check the application status.

  1. Go to your Arkansas University website and login to your account.
  2. Once signed in as a student, you must go to the scholarship tab, and click on the application status to view it further.
  3. Add the scholarship application number and click on the check application status.

When is the Arkansas lottery scholarship deadline?

The scholarship deadline for the Arkansas lottery scholarship is 1st July of every year for the ensuing fall admission session. The spring deadline is 10th January for the ensuing spring session.

How much does Arkansas lottery scholarship pay?

The scholarships are given in the order mentioned below for a four-year course and a two-year course respectively.

Corresponding year in collegeAmount due
First year$1000
Second & third year$4000
Senior students$5000
Year-wise scholarship amounts

For a two-year course, the scholarship amounts vary as the student in the first year gets $1000 annually and in the second year receives $3000.

The Arkansas lottery scholarship pays

The amount paid by the lottery is transferred through an electronic fund transfer or state warrant.


If you are planning to apply for the lottery held every year, then you must read this post to know more about the program.

The lottery asks you to enter your details and whoever wins it is entitled to receive the fund.

Author Profile

Joe Lombardi
Joe Lombardi
Joe Lombardi is a dynamic author known for his out-of-the-box thinking and creative prowess. With a track record of successfully initiating and delivering projects, he thrives in minimal supervision environments. Joe's ability to strategize, write, edit, and proofread is unmatched

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